pdms sele
左图命名:(对符合规则的元件进行命名) !namOptRule =object NAMOPTRULE() !namOptRule.key =|Selector answer eq 0| !namOptRule.description = |Naming rule for SELEs answer eq 0| !namOptRule.rule = |All SELEctors answer eq 0| !namOptRule.scan =|SPEC| !namOptRule.format = |!!CE.owner.namn & '/' & !!CE.Tanswer| !namOptRule.indices =|000| !tempArray.append(!namOptRule)
右图命名:(对符合规则的元件进行命名) !namOptRule =object NAMOPTRULE() !namOptRule.key =|Selector Name| !namOptRule.description = |Naming rule for SELEs| !namOptRule.rule = |All SELEctors| !namOptRule.scan =|SPEC| !namOptRule.format = |!!CE.owner.namn & '/' & !!CE.Answer| !namOptRule.indices = |000| !tempArray.append(!namOptRule)
NOTE: 代码在前的优先级高,出现冲突按照优先级高的执行 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 左图规则:(筛选出符合条件的SELE元件) !rule = objectRULE() ! = |All SELEctors answer eq 0| !rule.rule = |Answer of CE eq 0| !rule.types = |SELE| !rule.description = |Rule for Selectors answer eq 0| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
右图规则:(筛选出符合条件的SELE元件) !rule = objectRULE() ! = |All SELEctors| !rule.rule = || !rule.types = |SELE| !rule.description = |Rule for Selectors Level| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
Note: !namOptRule.rule 与 ! 相对应 SPCO SPEC NAME, TYPE, STYPE,PBOR, SHOP均不允许出现空格 SPCO名字中只要包括SPEC NAME, TYPE, STYPE, PBOR, SHOP这五要素,那么SPCO就不可能出现重复。 双尺寸SPCO
pdms spco1
!namOptRule = object NAMOPTRULE() !namOptRule.key = |SPCO of REDU| !namOptRule.description =|Naming rule for all SPCOs| !namOptRule.rule = |All SPecCOmponents of REDU| !namOptRule.scan = |SPEC| !namOptRule.format = |!!CE.prmown.namn & '/' &!!CE.catref.gtype & '/' & !!CE.OWNER.Tanswer & '/' & !!CE.Tanswer & '/' &!!CE.catref.PARAM[1] & '×' & !!CE.catref.PARAM[2]| !tempArray.append(!namOptRule)
----------------------------对应的rule规则:------------------------------------------------- !rule = object RULE() ! = |All SPecCOmponents of REDU| !rule.rule = |Gtype of Catref eq 'REDU'| !rule.types = |SPCO| !rule.description = |Rulefor Specification Components of REDU| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
NOTE: !!CE.prmown.Tanswer的值是TYPE !!CE.OWNER.Tanswer的值是STYPE
除了REDU,双尺寸的还有TEEOLET需要设置: !namOptRule = object NAMOPTRULE() !namOptRule.key = |SPCO of TEE| !namOptRule.description =|Naming rule for TEE SPCOs| !namOptRule.rule = |All SPecCOmponents of TEE| !namOptRule.scan = |SPEC| !namOptRule.format = |!!CE.prmown.namn & '/' &!!CE.catref.gtype & '/' & !!CE.OWNER.Tanswer & '/' & !!CE.Tanswer & '/' &!!CE.catref.PARAM[1] & '×' & !!CE.catref.PARAM[2]| !namOptRule.indices = |000| !tempArray.append(!namOptRule)
!namOptRule = object NAMOPTRULE() !namOptRule.key = |SPCO of OLET| !namOptRule.description =|Naming rule for OLET SPCOs| !namOptRule.rule = |All SPecCOmponents of OLET| !namOptRule.scan = |SPEC| !namOptRule.format = |!!CE.prmown.namn & '/' &!!CE.catref.gtype & '/' & !!CE.OWNER.Tanswer & '/' & !!CE.Tanswer & '/' &!!CE.catref.PARAM[1] & '×' & !!CE.catref.PARAM[2]| !namOptRule.indices = |000| !tempArray.append(!namOptRule) ---------------------------对应的rule规则:----------------------------------------------
!rule = object RULE() ! = |All SPecCOmponents of OLET| !rule.rule = |Gtype of Catref eq 'OLET'| !rule.types = |SPCO| !rule.description = |Rulefor Specification Components of OLET| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
!rule = object RULE() ! = |All SPecCOmponents of REDU| !rule.rule = |Gtype of Catref eq 'REDU'| !rule.types = |SPCO| !rule.description = |Rulefor Specification Components of REDU| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
!rule = object RULE() ! = |All SPecCOmponents of TEE| !rule.rule = |Gtype of Catref eq 'TEE'| !rule.types = |SPCO| !rule.description = |Rulefor Specification Components of TEE| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
pdms spco2
!namOptRule =object NAMOPTRULE() !namOptRule.key =|Specification Component Name| !namOptRule.description = |Naming rule for all SPCOs| !namOptRule.rule = |All SPecCOmponents| !namOptRule.scan =|SPEC| !namOptRule.format = |!!CE.prmown.namn & '/' &!!CE.catref.gtype & '/' & !!CE.OWNER.Tanswer & '/' & !!CE.Tanswer & '/' &!!CE.catref.PARAM[1]| !namOptRule.indices =|000| !tempArray.append(!namOptRule) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !rule = objectRULE() ! = |AllSPecCOmponents| !rule.rule = || !rule.types = |SPCO| !rule.description = |Rule for Specification Components| !!tmpRuleArray.append(!rule)
PDMS paragon的批量autonaming自动重命名视频教程 autonaming运行的前提是:元件没有名字
所以,第一步,把要自动重命名的的元件进行 unname操作,方法是使用list添加需要重命名的元件,然后action里执行unname;