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[软件分享] Intergraph PV Elite 2016 v18.0 破解版

发表于 2016-1-6 22:40:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鹰图PV Elite是一款针对容器和换热器设计、分析及评估的完整解决方案。PV Elite的用户设计了许多极端设计条件下的设备,并且设计工作能够非常迅速、精确而经济的完成。

PV Elite使容器和换热器的压力边界条件定义变得简单,即使对于需要大量数据输入的数据组亦如此。PV Elite通过将输入数据进行分类,从而大大降低了录入的难度。同时,任何输入项距离其在线帮助文档仅一键之遥。
PV Elite分析模型的图形化表达有助于用户确保输入和结果的正确性。使用PV Elite,能够对分析模型进行轻松自如的浏览和操作。
PV Elite执行ASME第VIII卷第1和第2分卷、PD 5500和EN 13445等主流容器设计规范。通过使用内置的API579(Fitness for Service,适用性评价)规范还可以评估现有容器状态和剩余寿命。
为使结果查看直观简洁,PV Elite列出一些最重要结果的计算公式,例如所需壁厚和最大许用工作压力(MAWP),并按类型对结果进行分组(如内压、外压、弯曲应力、管嘴和法兰)。当发现某个主体或附属元件影响了整个容器的MAWP时,程序会在概述报告中综合体现。
PV Elite是一个执行国际通用标准及相关地区规范的全球化软件方案。它将容器材料的数据要求、管道和钢结构数据,多个国家和地区的风载荷及地震载荷数据等囊括在其数据库中,从而具有泛用性。
PV Elite与其他主流的有限元分析软件、结构基础设计软件和制图软件之间存在接口。PV Elite还具备与鹰图CADWorx® Equipment模块和鹰图PV Fabricator™之间存在双向接口。
鹰图PV Fabricator
PV Fabricator拥有准确且快速地生成压力容器和换热器加工图纸的高级功能。当与PV Elite链接时,PV Fabricator相比现有制图方法可显著节约成本。

Intergraph PV Elite 2016 version 18.0 | 402.9 mb
Intergraph Process, Power & Marine, part of Hexagon and the world's leading provider of enterprise engineering software to the process, power and marine industries, announces the launch of PV Elite 2016, the newest version of its complete solution for vessel and heat exchanger design, analysis and evaluation used by engineers, designers, estimators, fabricators and inspectors.
PV Elite 2016 offers numerous productivity enhancements. Nozzle input calculation time has been cut from one hour to just minutes. Flanges on nozzles can be connected much more easily. Nozzles on a blind flange can be placed on an Appendix 2 flange on a nozzle, a capability unmatched by any other vendor. Element edges are displayed, which makes it easier to see if a nozzle is placed too close to a weld seam. Symbols and graphics prevent work having to be repeated and the cost of wasted materials.
PV Elite now supports the latest code updates, including:
- 2013 B 16.5 code
- 2015 ASME code
- Wind and seismic updates from the 2015 IBC code
- Tubesheet updates from the 2015 PD 5500 code
The latest version of PV Elite exports to the .VUE file format. Users can create a PV Elite model, then export and import the file into the SmartPlant Review environment. This helps import models quickly without having to input data again. The software also features enhancements to output generation, reporting, configuration, documentation and graphics.
PV Elite is a complete solution for the quick and intuitive design of new pressure vessels, and it also evaluates and re-rates existing vessels, including Fitness for Service analysis. The program considers the whole vessel, addressing all of the wall thickness rules and stress analysis requirements for vertical towers, horizontal vessels and heat exchangers.
About Intergraph Process, Power & Marine
Soon to be known as Hexagon Process, Power & Marine, Intergraph Process, Power & Marine is the leading global provider of engineering software for the design, construction and operation of plants, ships and offshore facilities.
Hexagon Process, Power & Marine is part of Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B; hexagon.com), a leading global provider of information technologies that drive quality and productivity improvements across geospatial and industrial enterprise applications.
Name: Intergraph PV Elite
Version: 2016 version 18.0

Interface: english
OS: Windows 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 402.9 mb

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gepfV3t 密码: m2vn

发表于 2016-1-7 11:22:51 | 显示全部楼层
LAVteam 出啥,你是贴啥。这是有名压力容器软件,作管道输送的有几个能用到?又有几个知道?
发表于 2016-1-7 23:54:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-2-24 21:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-25 11:33:45 | 显示全部楼层
zjd2008 发表于 2016-2-24 21:07

你的意思是 ?
发表于 2016-4-23 09:28:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-8-10 10:25:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-9-6 23:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-10-1 07:35:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-3-13 10:11:15 | 显示全部楼层

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