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工艺 流体 仪表 设备 电气 消防方面的 常用术语词汇

发表于 2014-11-4 13:24:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5.8 相关专业的专业词汇

5.8.1 工艺

(1) 图及表

流程图 flow diagram
工艺流程图 process flow diagram (PFD)
管道及仪表流程图 piping and
instrument flow diagram (PID)
公用工程流程图 utility flow diagram (UFD)
管线表 line list; line schedule
命名表;管道表 nomenclature
设备表 equipment list (schedule)

(2) 流体 fluid

空气 air
仪表空气 instrument air
工艺空气 process air
低压蒸汽 low pressure steam
中压蒸汽 medium pressure steam
高压蒸汽 high pressure steam
伴热蒸汽 tracing steam
饱和蒸汽 saturated steam
过热蒸汽 superheated steam
氧气 oxygen
氢气 hydrogen
氮气 nitrogen
燃料气 fuel gas
天然气 natural gas
火炬气 flare gas
酸性气 sour gas
液化石油气 liquefired petroleum gas (LPG)
氨气 ammonia gas
冷却水 cooling
循环水 circulating water
锅炉给水 boiler feed water
热水 hot water
蒸汽冷凝水 steam condensate
盐水 brine
工艺水 process water
化学污水 chemical sewage
防腐剂 corrosion inhibitor
重油 heavy oil
石脑油 naphtha
燃料油 fuel oil
润滑油 lubricating oil
密封油 sealing oil
冷冻剂 refrigerant
载热体 heating medium
溶剂 solvent
溶液 solution
母液 mother liquor
单体 monomer
聚合物 polymer
均聚物 homopolymer
共聚物 copolymer
工艺液体 process liquid
工艺气体 process gas
硫酸 sulphuric acid
盐酸 chlorhydric acid
硝酸 nitric acid
烧碱 caustic soda
(3) 流体特性 fluid characteristics
蒸汽压 vapor pressure
临界温度 critical temperature
临界点 critical point
临界压力 critical pressure
比热 specific heat
湿度 humidity
密度 density
比重 specific gravity
粘度 viscosity
闪点 flash point
融点 melting point
凝固点 freezing point
浓度 concentration
爆炸极限 limit of explosion
有毒的 toxic
可燃的;易燃的 flammable
(4) 其它
回收 recovery
再生 regeneration
循环 cireulatlon
再循环;再生 recycle
补充 make-up
制备 preparation
蒸汽吹扫 steaming out
吹扫 purge
抽空;排空 evacuation
吹出 blow-off
排污 blow down
破真空 vacuum breaker
大气腿 barometric leg
备用 stand-by
化学清洗 chemical cleaning
净正吸入压头 net positive suction head (NPSH)
进料 feed
成品 product
污染 contamination
大气污染 atmospheric pollution
环境温度 ambient temperature
5.8.2 建筑、结构

钢结构steel structure
已有钢结构existing steel structure
钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete construction
楼面 floor
平台 platform (PF)
地面 ground level
栏杆 handrail
楼梯 stair; stair way
直梯 ladder
柱 column; post; stanchion
基础 foundation; footing
粱 beam
构件 member
隔墙 partition wall
墙 wall
篦子板grate; grating
吊装孔erection opening
吊梁 hoisting beam
棚 shelter
窗 window
天窗 skylight
门 door
防火门fire door
地漏 floor drain
总图 general plot plan
路肩 shoulder
桩 pile
灌浆 grouting
风荷载wind load
雪荷载snow load
动力荷载dynamic load
静荷载dead load
活荷载live load
风速 wind velocity
主导风向most frequent wind direction

5.8.3 仪表

就地盘local panel
仪表盘instrument panel
常开 normally open
常闭 normally closed
电缆槽(架)cable tray (channel); cable rack
仪表电缆槽(架)instrument cable tray (duct)
压力计manometer; pressure gauge
液位计level gauge
玻璃液位计gage glass
流量计flow meter
孔板 orifice
联锁 interlock
仪器分析instrumental analysis
自动分析automatic analysis
气体分析gas analysis
化学分析chemical analysis
气相色谱仪gas chromatograph
液相色谱仪liquid chromatograph
质谱分析mass spectrometric analysis

5.8.4 电气

危险区划分hazardous area classification
危险区平面图hazardous area plan
电气盘electrical panel
配电盘switch board
电缆沟cable trench
电流 current
直流 direct current
交流 alternating current
频率 frequency
相位 phase
功率因数power factor
电压 voltage
电阻 resistance
电容 capacitance
静电 static electricity
接地 grounding; easthing
照明 lighting; illumination
避雷针lightning preventer
电话 telephone
电线 wire
接线箱(盒)junction box
导线管conduit tube

5.8.5 设备

固定鞍座fixed saddle
滑动鞍座sliding saddle
管口 nozzle
人孔 manhole (MH)
手孔 handhole (HH)
检查孔inspection hole
吊柱 davit
切线 tangent line
件号 part humbet
椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head
加强圈reinforcing ring
接地板earth lug
吊耳 lifting lug
气缸 cylinder
轴 shaft
轴承 bearing
编位号设备itemized equipment
无位号设备non-itemized equipment

5.8.6 水道

(1) 流体

原水 raw water
硬水 hard water
软水 soft water
饮用水potable water
循环冷却水给水cooling water supply
循环冷却水回水cooling water return
脱盐水demineralized water
苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water
生活污水sanitary sewer
工业废水industrial waste water
雨水 rain water
污染雨水contaminated rain water
消防水fire water

(2) 装置、设施

水处理water traatment
冷却塔cooling tower
中和池neutralization tank
化粪池septic tank
渗滤井soak-away pit
井 well
阀井 valve pit
清扫口clean out


水炮 water monitor
灭火器fire extinguisher
消防水泵fire pump
消防车fire fighting truck
泡沫消防foam fire-fighting
泡沫栓foam hydrant
泡沫炮foam monitor
消防软管接头fire hose connection

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