






2011-10-20 18:52| 发布者: helloshigy| 查看: 56399| 评论: 0

摘要: 张劲军,1962年生,中国石油大学(北京)机械与储运工程学院,硕士生导师,博士生导师,研究方向为油气长距离管输技术、油气储运安全工程,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。

      24.王小龙,张劲军*,韩善鹏. 原油凝点波动大时管道流动保障分析方法. 油气储运,2014338):844-847851

      25.王小龙,张劲军*,宇波,等. 西部原油管道多品种原油安全高效输送技术.油气储运,20143312):1263-1271

      26.Yun Lei Shanpeng Han Jinjun Zhang* Youquan Bao Zhiwei Yao Yanan Xu. Study on the Effect of Dispersed and Aggregated Asphaltene on Wax Crystallization Gelation and Flow Behavior of Crude Oil. Energy Fuels 2014 28(4) 2314-2321 SCI EI

      27.Li H. Zhang J. Viscosity prediction of non-Newtonian waxy crude heated at various temperatures. Petroleum Science and Technology 2014 32(5)521-526 SCI EI

      28.Teng Houxing Zhang Jinjun. Modeling the Thixotropic Behavior of Waxy Crude. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2013 52 80798089 SCI EI

      29.Bai Chengyu Zhang Jinjun. Thermal Macroscopic and Microscopic Characteristics of Wax Deposits in Field Pipelines. Energy Fuels 2013 27 752759 SCI EI

      30.Bai Chengyu Zhang Jinjun. Effect of Carbon Number Distribution of Wax on the Yield Stress of Waxy Oil Gels. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2013 52 2732㈢739 SCI EI

      31.Teng Houxing Zhang Jinjun. A new thixotropic model for waxy crude. Rheologica Acta 2013 52(10-12)903-911 SCI

      32.Guo L Zhang J Han S Teng H. Evaluation of Thixotropic Models for Waxy Crudes Based on Stepwise Shearing Measurements. Petroleum Science and Technology 201331895901 SCI EI

      33.Teng Houxing Zhang Jinjun. Modeling the viscoelasto-plastic behavior of waxy crude. Petroleum Science 2013 10 395-401 SCI

      34.Zhang Jinjun Yu Bo Li Hongying Huang Qiyu. Advances in rheology and flow assurance studies of waxy crude. Petroleum Science 2013 10(4)538-547 SCI

      35.张劲军,何利民,宫敬,等. 油气储运理论与技术进展. 中国石油大学学报,2013375):151-162 EI

      36.郁辰阳,张劲军,丁振军,黄启玉. 搅拌测量法测定油水混合液流动特性. 石油学报,2013343):574-579 EI

      37.滕厚兴,张劲军. 含蜡原油的黏弹-触变模型. 化工学报,2013 64(11) 3968-3975. EI

      38.滕厚兴,张劲军. 含蜡原油触变模型研究现状. 油气储运,2013329):923-938

      39.王凯,张劲军,宇波. 原油管道差温顺序输送水力-热力耦合计算模型. 油气储运,2013322):143-151

      40.Liu XinYu Bo Zhou JianZhang Jinjun. Temperature drop characteristics of crude oils after shutdown of a pipeline for a batchwise transportation system. Heat Transfer Engineering 2013 34(4) 385-397 SCI EI

      41.Jia Banglong Zhang Jinjun. Yield Behavior of Waxy Crude Gel Effect of Isothermal Structure Development before Prior Applied Stress. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2012 51 10977ㄢ 982 SCI EI

      42.贾邦龙,张劲军. 六参数含蜡原油触变模型. 石油学报, 2012336):1080-1085 EI

      43.贾邦龙,张劲军. 含蜡原油触变性测试方法. 油气储运,2012314):254-259

      44.张劲军,张文轲,宇波. 基于POD的埋地热油管道停输再启动模拟高效算法. 石油学报,2011321):167-170 EI

      45.Shize Yi and Jinjun Zhang. Relationship between Waxy Crude Oil Composition and Change in the Morphology-and-structure of Wax Crystals Induced by Pour-point-depressant- beneficiation. Energy Fuels 2011 25( 4)1686-1696 SCI EI

      46.Shize Yi and Jinjun Zhang. Shear-Induced Change in Morphology of Wax Crystals and Flow Properties of Waxy Crudes Modified with the Pour-Point Depressant. Energy Fuels 2011 2512), 56605671 SCI EI

      47.Wang Kai Zhang Jinjin Li Hongying Wang Feingzhi Yu Bo. Assessment of Temperature of China West Crude Oil Pipeline with a Probabilistic Approach Oil Gas European Magazine 2011 37(2) 90-93 SCI EI

      48.张文轲,张劲军,宇波. 热油管道油温波动随机数值模拟及影响因素敏感性分析. 中国石油大学学报,2011352):141-146 EI

      49.柳歆,张劲军. 鄯兰原油管道超低输量输送方案电耗分析. 管道技术与设备,2011,(2):1-3

      50.张文轲,张劲军,宇波. 土壤含水率对埋地管道热力影响的数值模拟. 油气田地面工程,2011304):22-24

      51.柳歆,张劲军,宇波. 热油管道间歇输送热力水力特性. 油气储运,2011306):419-422

      52.国丽萍,张劲军. 基于剪切速率匀速加载条件的含蜡原油屈服- 触变特性. 东北石油大学学报,2011353):72-75

      53.张劲军,李鸿英韩善鹏宇波. 博士研究生在国外学术期刊发表科技论文问题的分析. 中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)2011S272-74

      54.Jinjun Zhang Liping Guo Houxing Teng. Evaluation of thixotropic models for waxy crude oils based on shear stress decay at constant shear rates. Appl. Rheol. 201020 (5) 53944

      55.Hou L. Zhang J. A Study on Creep Behavior of Gelled Daqing Crude Oil. Petroleum Science & Technology 2010 28690699. SCI EI

      56.Xin Liu Jinjun Zhang Hongying Li Bo Yu. Intermittent operations PPD optimize low flow rate waxy crude system. Oil & Gas Journal 2010 108(46) 134-137 SCI

      57.张劲军,国丽萍. 基于滞回环的含蜡原油触变模型评价. 石油学报,2010313):494-500 EI

      58.张文轲,张劲军,丁建林. 中洛输油管道输量和出站温度概率分布. 油气储运,2010291):32-35

      59.李锦昕,张劲军,宋学芹. 降凝剂对原油蜡晶的影响. 油气储运,2010294):302-305

      60.Hou L. Zhang J. Ding J.; Wei C.The variation of the gel point of Daqing crude oil with pipelining history. Petroleum Science and Technology 2010 28(13) 1331-1337 SCI EI

      61.Yu Bo Li Chao Zhang Zhengwei Liu Xin Zhang Jinjun et al. Numerical simulation of a buried hot crude oil pipeline under normal operation. Applied Thermal Engineering2010 30(17-18) 2670-2679

      62.K. Wang J.J. Zhang* B. Yu et al. Numerical Simulation on the Thermal and Hydraulic Behaviors of Batch Pipelining Crude Oils with Different Inlet Temperatures. Oil & Gas Science and Technology Rev. IFP 2009 64 (4) 503-520 SCI EI







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