Surface Production Operation-v1 Design of Oil-Handing System and Faci...
Surface Production Operations: Design of Oil Handling Systems and FacilitiesKen Arnold, AMEC Paragon, Houston, Texas
Maurice Stewart, President, Stewart Training Company
The job of a production facility is to separate the well stream into three
components, typically called “phases” (oil, gas, and water), and process
these phases into some marketable product(s) or dispose of them in an
environmentally acceptable manner. In mechanical devices called “separators,”
gas is flashed from the liquids and “free water” is separated
from the oil. These steps remove enough light hydrocarbons to produce a
stable crude oil with the volatility (vapor pressure) to meet sales criteria.
老外写的很细致国内就没有这样的文件 這是一第一卷,本書共有有三卷。可以說是油、氣設計的必備手冊。 huge1000 发表于 2018-7-27 05:19
请问前辈那里有第二卷和第三卷吗 huge1000 发表于 2018-7-27 05:19
请问前辈有Linkedin吗 请问前辈那里有第二卷和第三卷吗 太贵了呀,10个金币,哎 好资料,谢谢分享~ 太贵了呀,10个金币,金币不够。{:4_104:}