EEHA Certification培训火热报名中......
为什么选择我们?我们为学员提供便利的咨询服务,同时与学员保持长期的沟通联系,确保将最新的规范与法规分享给学员。同时我们也分享工作机会给学员! 在宝贵的5天课程里,由资深培训师讲解最新的AS/NZS 60079标准并示范和指导危险环境下的现场检验及操作。针对部分学员的英语情况,我们优先邀请华裔培训师进行培训!报名流程:[*]关注本微信公众号的同时联系151-5273-7858徐先生或微信247887437;邮箱 或
[*]培训时间和地点:第一批: 6月21-25日, 烟台, 培训酒店地址后续通知第二批: 9月21-25日, 南通, 培训酒店地址后续通知
[*]另: 7月份我们有可能还有一个时间窗口,地址根据学员的情况来定!
[*]A. 您将学到以下防爆保护措施及技术1. 危险区域及分级 (Hazardous areas and classification)2. Ex e, Ex n, Ex d, Ex i, Ex m,Ex q, Ex o, Ex tD, Ex p 方法及原理 (techniques and principles)3. 屏蔽式戈兰头及压缩电缆戈兰头(Barrier gland and compression cable gland)4. 如何选择及安装电缆戈兰头(实操)(How to select and install the cable gland (Practical))5. 不同类型防爆工艺的特殊要求(Specific installation requirements for different types of Ex techniques)6. 危险环境下的通用测试工艺(The common testing proceduresin the hazardous areas)7. 现场检验(实操)(Site inspection(Practical))8. 电缆戈兰头及掌握不同尺寸及规格电缆的戈兰类型选择( Different types of cable glanding and learn how to select the right cable gland for different sizes and types of cable.)
B. 培训方式理论和实操相结合(Theory and practical training).C. 课程内容学员通过下表列出的核心单元及选修单元的内容考核,获得资格并颁发证书。
Core & Elective Competency Standard Units
All Core & Elective competency standard units to be achievedDelivery Method
UEENEEM080AReport on the integrity ofexplosion-protected equipment in a hazardous areaCourseTraining
UEENEEM020AAttend to breakdowns inhazardous areas - gas atmospheresCourseTraining
UEENEEM022AAttend to breakdowns inhazardous areas - pressurizationCourseTraining
UEENEEM024AInstall explosion-protectedequipment and wiring systems - gas atmospheresCourseTraining
UEENEEM026Ainstall explosion –protected equipment and wiring systems – pressurizationCourseTraining
UEENEEM028Amaintain equipment inhazardous areas - gas atmospheresCourseTraining
UEENEEM030Amaintain equipment inhazardous areas - pressurizationCourseTraining
UEENEEM039AConduct testing of hazardousareas installations - gas atmospheresCourseTraining
UEENEEM041AConduct testing of hazardousarea installations - pressurizationCourseTraining
UEENEEM042AConduct visual inspection ofhazardous areas installationsCourseTraining
UEENEEM044AConduct detailed inspectionof hazardous areas installations - gas atmospheresCourseTraining
UEENEEM046AConduct detailed inspectionof hazardous areas installations - pressurizationCourseTraining
UEENEEM078AManage compliance ofhazardous areasCourseTraining
D. 培训结果:
资格证书(Statement of Attainment (SOA)- UEE42611 Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas- Electrical)
考试分笔试和实际操作,学员通过上表列出的单元的考核后,将被授予资格证书SOA(Statement of Attainment (SOA)- UEE42611 Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas- Electrical)