beibeilang 发表于 2015-12-20 11:41:02

AFT Fathom v9 (2015.09.01) 破解版

AFT Fathom v9 (2015.09.01) 破解版

AFT Fathom 是一款真实流体的动态模拟分析软件,可计算不可压缩流体和低速气体管网的压降和流量分配。可真实模拟分析各种不可压缩流体,包括水、汽油和精炼油品、化工产品、冷冻剂、制冷剂等等,是帮你设计高效和可靠的管网系统必不可少的工具。其广泛应用于化工、石化、电力、造船、航空、制药等行业的各类系统中。
提供用户化的工程和费用数据(用户可以选择库中的数据,也可以自定义建立自己的数据库)SSL沉降性浆体计算模块:AFT Fathom SSL 软件是专门针对工业浆体输送的专业流体分析软件。其软件主要功能是:允许用户自定义固体颗粒,定义浆体浓度,并可以存入数据库中反复使用;建立管网。计算流量(流速)分布,各点浆体浓度和压降;泵选型,采用Warman 和ANSI/HI 方法计算浆体对泵的影响;特殊的报告包括浆体中水的压头梯度和浆体的压头梯度, 流速等更多浆体的特性数据,协助用户分析了解固体颗粒对泵的影响作用;用户可以对系统进行变工况多重运算和分析;生成系统曲线,协助客户分析了解临界流速对系统的影响作用。无论您是对新系统的设计,还是现有系统的评估,扩建, Fathom SSL 都将协助您尽快,准确地解决泥浆的传输问题。报告输出:

AFT Fathom version 9 (2015.09.01) | 207.5 mb
Applied Flow Technology, a leader in the pipe flow modeling software market, has released the 9 (2015.09.01) version of AFT Fathom is fluid dynamic simulation software for engineers, used to calculate pressure drop and flow distribution in liquid and low velocity gas piping and ducting systems.
AFT Fathom provides comprehensive, incompressible pipe flow analysis and system modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use. Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Fathom includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings, variable model configurations, pump and control valve modeling and much more. With the optional Chempak add-in, a thermo-physical database of over 600 fluids is available to further expand the envelope of your analysis and design. AFT Fathom goes beyond the boundaries of fluid flow analysis, with thermal analysis capabilities including piping heat transfer, heat exchanger modeling and varying fluid properties.
AFT Fathom employs a robust solver using proven matrix methods to solve the governing equations of pipe flow. The full power of this technical sophistication is readily accessible through an advanced visual interface. From the powerful drag-and-drop model building features to the fully customizable output, AFT Fathom becomes an extension of the engineer's mind, freeing him or her to focus on their system, not the mechanics of software manipulation. Scenario Manager raises the what-if potential of system modeling to a new level. Multiple system configurations varying by any modeling parameter are easily managed within a single model file with a familiar hierarchical interface. Changes in the base model are automatically inherited by dependent design cases.
More than flow analysis, AFT Fathom lets you build your piping system in software. Vary pipe sizes, pump curves, valve settings, fluid properties, operating lineup... virtually anything you can do with the real system can be done within AFT Fathom, accurately simulating the individual system components and their interaction. Whether you're designing new systems, modifying existing ones or analyzing system operations, The ability to analyze alternates and the insight provided by an AFT Fathom model significantly improves the quality of systems engineering you can achieve, leading to less costly, more efficient and more reliable piping systems.

About AFT
From humble beginnings, Applied Flow Technology has grown to be a leader in the pipe flow modeling software market. With channel partners around the world and customers in more than 70 countries, AFT software helps companies in many industries design safer, more efficient systems and solve operational problems.
Name: AFT Fathom
Version: 9 (2015.09.01)

Interface: english
OS: Windows XP (SP3), Vista, Windows 7 or later 32bit or 64bit operating systems (not compatible with Windows 8 RT)
Size: 207.5 mb

Download 百度云

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ywnaruto 发表于 2015-12-21 10:52:53


yaomeng 发表于 2015-12-23 15:24:28


beibeilang 发表于 2015-12-23 17:37:59

ywnaruto 发表于 2015-12-21 10:52


ywnaruto 发表于 2015-12-24 08:41:24


beibeilang 发表于 2015-12-24 13:09:02

ywnaruto 发表于 2015-12-24 08:41

百度 ,网上有的

ywnaruto 发表于 2015-12-24 14:06:12

beibeilang 发表于 2015-12-24 13:09
百度 ,网上有的


yang150036 发表于 2019-12-25 11:08:14

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