关于焊接种类 形式 位置常用术语的中英文翻译
10 焊接 Welding10.1 焊接种类 Varieties of Welding
电弧焊 arc welding
电熔焊 electric fusionwelding (EFW)
气熔焊 fusion gas welding(FGW)
电阻焊 electric resistancewelding (ERW)
有保护的金属电弧焊 shielded metal arcwelding (SMAW)
手工或自动隋性气体保护钨极电弧焊 manual and automaticinert gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
自动埋弧焊 automatic submergedarc welding
金属极隋性气体保护电弧焊 gas metal arcweiding (GMAW)
氩弧焊 argon-arc welding,
气体保护电弧焊 gas-shielded arcwelding
气焊 gas welding; flamewelding
等离子焊 plasma welding
硬钎焊 braze welding
电渣焊 electroslag welding
爆炸焊 explosive welding
10.2 焊接形式 Type of Welding
角焊 fillet welding
间断焊 intermittent welding
点焊 spot welding
对焊 butt welding
搭焊 lap welding
塞焊 plug welding
珠焊 bead welding
槽焊 slot welding
堆焊 build up welding
垫板焊 backing weld
坡口 groove
V形坡口 V groove
单面U形坡口 single U groove
K形坡口 double bevel groove
X形坡口 double V groove
双面U形坡口 double U groove
U-V组合坡口 combination U and Vgroove
根部间隙 root gap
焊接符号 symbol of weld
错边量 alignment tolerance
10.3 焊接位置 Welding Position
仰焊 overhead welding
现场焊 field weld (F.W.)
封底焊 back run welding
立焊 vertical welding
平焊 flat welding
工厂(车间)焊接 shop weld
定位焊 tack weld
跳焊 skip welding
节距 pitch
10.4 焊接缺陷 Defects of Welding
焊接裂纹 weld crack
根部裂纹 root crack
微裂纹 micro crack
错位 mismatch
弧坑 pit; crater
焊穿 burn through
夹渣 slag inclusion
咬边;咬肉 undercut
焊瘤 overlap
气孔 porosity, blow hole
砂眼 blister
针孔 pin hole
严重飞溅 excessive spatter
未溶合 incomplete fusion;lack of fusion
根部未焊透 incompletepenetration
10.5 其它
母材;基层金属 base metal
预热 preheating
热影响区 heat affected zone(HAZ)
焊条 welding electrode(rod)
焊丝 welding wire
焊药(剂) flux